About Bangladesh Project Management Awards 2024

Bangladesh Project Management Awards or #pmibdawards24, a daylong exceptional, informative, inspiring and interactive signature awards by PMI Bangladesh Chapter.

This event will be held on 9th November 2024, designed to enrich the Project Management Practices.

During this awards, we expect 300+ Project Managers (PMs) and Leading Professionals from diverse industries to exchange knowledge, make valuable contacts, and receive insights into the practice of making projects successful.

The event will be graced by the high officials of the Bangladesh Government, Consultants, Corporate Icons, Project managers and PMI Asia Pacific Leaders.


PM Awards

Bangladesh Project Management Awards 2024 organized by PMI Bangladesh Chapter to recognize and honor the best of the best Project Managers / Project
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Management teams and organizations which have made outstanding contributions and improvements in the practice of project management profession by advancing project management concepts, techniques, best practices and theories.

Information Technology

This award recognizes the Project Manager / Project team /
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Organization that has delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.


This award recognizes the Project Manager / Project team /
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Organization that has delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.


This award recognizes the Project Manager / Project team /
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Organization that has delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.


This award recognizes the Project Manager / Project team /
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Organization that has delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

Social Impacts

This award recognizes significant initiatives undertaken by
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corporate bodies or organization(as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities activities) and NGO (Non-Government Organization) towards the improvement of the community.

Research & Innovation

Academic projects are which are aiming to innovate and
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implement new ideas for the betterment of human kind can be nominated under this category like carbon reduction and energy efficiency improvement. So, the Research & Innovation Project of the Year Award recognizes and honors excellence in the conduct of academic research and the adoption or adaptation of such research project into practice.


This award recognizes a PMO (Project Management Office) that
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has demonstrated superior organizational project management abilities by adding value to its organization through its support of successful strategic initiatives.

Bangladesh Project Management Awards

  • Awards
  • Important Dates
  • Nomination Process
  • Fee
  • Application Eligibility

Each year we provide Bangladesh Project Management Awards to recognize the Project Managers (PM) as well as the Project Management Offices (PMO) for showing outstanding contributions to the development of the country. This will improve the practices of the project management profession, while demonstrating leadership and innovation by advancing project management best practices, concepts, theories and techniques.

Likewise, the chapter is going to recognize "Bangladesh Project Management Awards 2024" into two types of Awards as stated below:

A. Project of the Year
This Award will be given to the organizations in seven broad categories as stated below:

1. Information Technology Project of the Year (three sub-categories):
This award recognizes the Project Team in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

1. Large Project

2. Medium Project

3. Small Project

2. Construction Project of the Year (three sub-categories):
This award recognizes the Project Team in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

1. Large Project

2. Medium Project

3. Small Project

3. Engineering Project of the Year (three sub-categories):
This award recognizes the Project Team in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

1. Large Project

2. Medium Project

3. Small Project

4. Infrastructure Project of the Year (three sub-categories):
This award recognizes the Project Team in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

1. Large Project

2. Medium Project

3. Small Project

5. Social Impact Project of the Year (three sub-categories):
This award recognizes significant initiative undertaken by corporate bodies or organizations (as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities) and NGO (Non-Government Organization) towards the improvement of the community.

1. Large Project

2. Medium Project

3. Small Project

6. Research & Innovation Project of the Year (three sub-categories):
This award recognizes significant initiative undertaken by corporate bodies or organizations (as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities) and NGO (Non-Government Organization) towards the improvement of the community.

1. Large Project

2. Medium Project

3. Small Project

7. PMO of the Year:
This award recognizes significant initiative undertaken by corporate bodies or organizations (as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities) and NGO (Non-Government Organization) towards the improvement of the community.

B. Project Manager of the Year
This Award will be given to the project managers in six broad categories as stated below:

1. Project Manager of the Year - Information Technology
This award recognizes the Project Manager in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

2. Project Manager of the Year - Construction
This award recognizes the Project Manager in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

3. Project Manager of the Year - Engineering
This award recognizes the Project Manager in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

4. Project Manager of the Year - Infrastructure
This award recognizes the Project Manager in an organization who have delivered superior results through exemplary application of project management principles and practices.

5. Project Manager of the Year - Social Impact
This award recognizes significant initiative undertaken by the Project Manager (as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities) and NGO (Non-Government Organization) towards the improvement of the community.

6. Project Manager of the Year - Research & Innovation
This award recognizes significant initiative undertaken by the Project Manager (as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities) and NGO (Non-Government Organization) towards the improvement of the community.

Nomination Start: 18 August 2024
Nomination End: 25 September 2024
Grooming Session: To Be Declared
Preliminary Stage Review Result: To Be Declared
Final Review Session: To Be Declared
Award Giving Ceremony: 09 November 2024

The purpose, eligibility, criteria and nomination procedures for each award appear in this link PM Award.

Step 1: The nominee will submit information online about the nomination before September 25, 2024 on the PMI Bangladesh Project Management Symposium and Awards 2024 website using the link: https://pmibdchapter.org/symposium24/

Step 2: In this stage, an online grooming session will be happened with all award nominees by Bangladesh chapter as per declared date which will be shared later.

Step 3: In this stage, nominees have to submit the response of some questions and some sample documents and artifacts of the processes like Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Schedules, Cost Estimation, Quality and Risk Plans, Progress Reports, Change Management Plans, Procurement Methodology and Documents, Staffing and Communication plans etc.

Step 4: The nominee's application at this stage will be finally evaluated, validated, and interviewed by an elite panel of jury members composed of individuals of national repute. PMI Bangladesh Chapter will intimate the nominations in the final stage, shortlisted by elite jury i.e., Winner or Runner-up by November 09, 2024.


No application fees are required


Eligibility of Three Subcategories under "Project of the Year" for Organizations:

  1. 1. Large Project: Tk.50 crore + Project value. Delivered within last 3 years (July 2021 to June 2024).

  2. 2. Medium Project: Tk.3 crore ~50 crore Project value. Delivered within last 3 years (July 2021 to June 2024).

  3. 3. Small Project: Tk. 3 lac ~ 3 crore Project value. Delivered within last 3 years (July 2021 to June 2024).

Eligibility of "Project Manager of the Year" for the Project Managers:

  1. 1. Completed Project on of before 31 December, 2023.
  2. 2. Active PMP credential holder throughout the period.

PMO of the Year: Minimum 3 years old.

Deadlines for submission:

Application submission starts on August 18, 2024, till September 25, 2024.

Terms & Conditions:
Projects that are eligible for the Project Management Awards 2024
- the project must be managed by a Bangladeshi citizen
- have an approved scope, schedule, and budget, and implemented it within reasonable tolerance in each constraint
- the organization should be established in Bangladesh
- have at least 50% of the project team inclusive of the Project Manager be located in Bangladesh
- completed within the period mentioned for each category (Except PMO)
- the Research & Innovation project must have a primary focus on enriching the Bangladesh community; it is preferably an academic institutional endeavour with students and faculty/mentor involvement
- have a significant and measurable outcome or benefit to Bangladesh
- An organization can participate in maximum 3 categories including sub-categories

Projects which are not Eligible:
- Projects performed under contract to PMI, directly or indirectly will not be considered
- Projects managed by current PMIBD Board Members and Project Management Awards 2024 working committee members are not eligible for this award
- The award applicant could be a sponsor, a senior member of the project team viz. equivalent of Project Manager, Program Manager, Project Director or a senior representative of the organization
- Already awarded by any other program


General Questions

  • What Awards Are Offered?

    The chapter is going to recognize "Bangladesh Project Management Awards 2024" into two types of Awards as stated below:

     A. Project of the Year
     This Award will be given to the organizations in seven broad categories as stated below:

        1. Information Technology Project of the Year
        2. Construction Project of the Year
        3. Engineering Project of the Year
        4. Infrastructure Project of the Year
        5. Social Impact Project of the Year
        6. Research & Innovation Project of the Year
        7. PMO of the Year

     B. Project Manager of the Year
     This Award will be given to the Project Managers in six categories as stated below:

        1. Project Manager of the Year - Information Technology
        2. Project Manager of the Year - Construction
        3. Project Manager of the Year - Engineering
        4. Project Manager of the Year - Infrastructure
        5. Project Manager of the Year - Social Impact
        6. Project Manager of the Year - Research & Innovation

  • What Are The Important Dates?
    Nomination Start: 18 August 2024
    Nomination End: 25 September 2024
    Grooming Session: To Be Declared
    Preliminary Stage Review Result: To Be Declared
    Final Review Session: To Be Declared
    Award Giving Ceremony: 09 November 2024
  • What Is The Nomination Process?

    The purpose, eligibility, criteria and nomination procedures for each award appear in this link PM Award.

    Step-1: The nominee will submit information online about the nomination before September 25, 2024 on the PMI Bangladesh Project Management Symposium and Awards 2024 website using the link: https://pmibdchapter.org/symposium24/.

    Step 2: In this stage, an online grooming session will be happened with all award nominees by Bangladesh chapter as per declared date which will be shared later.

    Step 3: In this stage, nominees have to submit the response of some questions and some sample documents and artifacts of the processes like Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Schedules, Cost Estimation, Quality and Risk Plans, Progress Reports, Change Management Plans, Procurement Methodology and Documents, Staffing and Communication plans etc.

    Step 4: The nominee's application at this stage will be finally evaluated, validated, and interviewed by an elite panel of jury members composed of individuals of national repute. PMI Bangladesh Chapter will intimate the nominations in the final stage, shortlisted by elite jury i.e., Winner or Runner-up by November 09, 2024.

  • Is There An Application Fee For The Awards?

    There are no application costs needed.

  • Who Selects Winners?

    Evaluators vary by award. All evaluators are experienced practitioners who have successfully demonstrated project management expertise.

  • Who Administers The Project Management Excellence Awards Program?

    The program is administered by PMI Bangladesh Chapter.

  • Who Do I Contact For More Information?

    For more information, contact:

    A. B. M. Taj-Ul Islam, PMP
    Director, Program & Sponsorship
    PMI Bangladesh Chapter
    Email: dir.program@pmibdchapter.org
    Phone: +881711505503

  • What Are The Eligibility Criteria For Award Applicant / Nominator?

    Eligibility of Three Subcategories under "Project of the Year" for Organizations:

        1. Large Project – Tk.50 crore + Project value. Delivered within last 3 years (July 2021 to June 2024).
        2. Medium Project : Tk.3 crore ~50 crore Project value. Delivered within last 3 years (July 2021 to June 2024).
        3. Small Project : Tk. 3 lac ~ 3 crore Project value. Delivered within last 3 years (July 2021 to June 2024).

    Eligibility of "Project Manager of the Year" for the Project Managers:

        1. Completed Project on of before 31 December, 2023.
        2. Active PMP credential holder throughout the period.

  • What is Cancelation Period?
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  • What is Cohousing?
    Lorem ipsum dolor amet adipicing elit eiusmod tempor ut labore dolore magna . minim veniam quis nostrud ullamco laboris.
  • How is the privacy?
    Lorem ipsum dolor amet adipicing elit eiusmod tempor ut labore dolore magna . minim veniam quis nostrud ullamco laboris.


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