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May 28, 2022 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Asia/Dhaka Timezone
The number of new tools to support project management has grown exponentially in recent years. You could easily spend all your time learning how to use the tools and never find time to actually manage the projects. Automation has added difficulty to the selection and use of the truly value add tools. PMI Bangladesh Chapter is arranging a webinar session to clear up the confusion and empower the user to realize the benefits of the correct PM tool choice.
We are happy to announce that Mr Lee R. Lambert, PMI Fellow, PMI Founder, CEO Lambert Consulting Group will be speaking in this session. He has years of experience in senior Corporate positions. Has served as consultant to organizations like IBM, General Electric, Motorola to name a few. Currently recognized as one of the world’s leading PM educators with over 50,000 students in 27 countries.
Speaker’s LinkedIn Profile:
This is a fun, but informative webinar that your members will find value add.
Register in advance for this meeting:…/tZEldeCrqj8uGNXmhLNqWRYhzWja…
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